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Frank D!

Just wanted to let you know that we're starting our own Urban Tribe in Fresno....UrbanTribeSix.....

We'll be in touch to get you some exposure out here in Fresno in the near future...

Much respect --



I am currently 24 years old, working on an M.A. in Portuguese Studies, and living---tribelessly---near Boston.

How can I start (or join) an urban tribe here?

I am : [email protected]

Much Love,

Dipti Pande

I am a 33 year old from India..

Tribeless and a freelancer to boot...any ideas on how to start a tribe !!

A from Oregon

thank god. something I can relate too.

I wish I could find a tribe system here, so far all my friends are married or having children...

Im a traveler and somewhat of a nomad.. which doesnt make things much easier.

Cedric Hohnstadt

Great article! I'm going to start looking into something like this in the Minneapolis area (if there is one). Thanks.


Ethan, I have not read your book yet, but from what I've heard and read here, I think you are spot-on with the post boomer generation. However, I think there are a couple other types of people not fitting into Urban Tribes, at least not quite the size of what you describe. I'm one of them. From about 22 to 26..I was a "lone wolf." I had/have a few friends, that are indeed part of a larger Urban Tribe(s). I'm happy to have them part of my lone wolf universe, but I'm not particularly interested in being full-fledged members of any larger Tribe. At 26 I met my "partner." He is 10 years older than me, and cut from the same lone wolf cloth. I'm, a female, currently 34 and he 44. We like our lone wolf world, doing our lone wolf things. I go and join my Tribe friends on regular occasions, while he has one or two of his own as well. Our two separate Tribe-friend universes don't cross often, if at all. For the most part, we travel together, work in creative media (different media, but sometimes together), having our intensly philosophical morning coffee, and prefer going out just together, rather to a big party or large tribal social event. We are deeply committed to each other, but marriage isn't our thing either. We're considering having a child, but still feel we have a few more years, and if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. Anyway, I see the Urban Tribes all around us, but we prefer our status as "connective members" or "at large" members of two to four different tribes. Does that make sense? Thanks, from the happy lone-wolves in Chicago.


Oh, I meant to ask if you cover Tribal outsiders in your book...I think I'm going to read it anyway, but I would be even more attracted to pick up a copy if I could relate to portions of it.

Thanks again.


Ugh, I just noticed that the last post here before mine is from 2005....so, I'm late to learning about your book and I wonder if anyone will respond. I suppose being late in the game is an occupational hazard to not being a full-fledged Tribe member. Oh well.


some of us arrived here even later! I am neither Gen X nor in an Urban Tribe. Like you, I am more of a lone wolf with several 'orbits' of friends, colleagues, university chums (from another country) and family. I am a female Baby Boomer living in UK, with a husband of 25 years plus and one daughter now studying in Boston. Not sure what it makes me.

Kare Anderson

Why did yu quit blogging??
Ben Casnocha's blog led me to you

Jacob Sayles

This has been my world for the past year as we have been building Office Nomads here in Seattle. It has been an interesting journey so far and we have only just started. If you ever make your way up here, I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can share notes.


Claire Savage

I am opening a writers' collective in Marin, probably centrally located, mission San Rafael area. Let me know if you're (in)terested!

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Took me time to read all the comments, but I enjoyed the article.

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Yeah, you have a point there. I think it depends on the officemates to socialize better. When it comes to work, they must be professional and be a teamplayer.


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